The Headless Horseman in Oslo

Discover Oslo with a city exploration game based on a classic ghost story

2.9 km
Start location
Vår Frelsers cemetery
End location
The pilgrim center at Akersveien
1.5 hour(s)
Age rating

79 kr

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Henrik Ibsen's grave

You can find the gravesites of some of the most famous Norwegians here: writer Henrik Ibsen, artist Edvard Munch, writer Camilla Collett, and artist Hariton Pushwagner amongst many others.

Ichabod's home

This street is one of the few preserved residential areas in Oslo with wooden houses from the early 1800’s. Writer Henrik Wergeland lived at Damstredet 1 in the late 1830’s.

Ichabod's school

The Møllergata school is the oldest school built by Oslo municipality. You can also find the Oslo school museum here, open to the public on select weekdays.


This was once an industrial area, with spinning mills and factories. Today, the Blå area is a hub of creativity, with a concert venue, indoor markets, studios and a cafe and bar.


Grünerløkka was built as a working class neighbourhood in the 1800’s. The people living here mainly worked in the mills and textile factories along the Akerselva river.

Nedre Foss gård

There was a farm (gård=farm) with a mill in this location as early as the 1200’s. According to an old tale, rebel Gudolv of Blakstad was attacked here by military leader Skule Jarl in 1221.


The restaurant building and surrounding park is called Kuba. The origin of the name is disputed, it could be an ironic wink to the fact that a neighbouring area was called Ny (=New) York.


All along Telthusbakken (bakke=hill) there are preserved wooden houses from the 1800’s, and across the street are the Egerbergløkka allotment gardens and the Lovers lane walking path.

The Old Aker Church

The Old Aker church is the oldest building in Oslo, built in the 1100’s. The church is part of the pilgrim path to Trondheim, and was constructed of stone from the Vår Frelsers cemetery.

The cemetary

When the church was built it was placed on the Aker farm, outside the mediaeval city of Oslo. It wasn’t until the mid-1800’s that the church was finally enveloped by the expanding city.

The pilgrim centre

You are standing across from the Oslo pilgrim centre, located in the pink half-timbered building. It is one of 12 national pilgrim centres along the nine pilgrim paths in Norway.

Locations you'll visit on this tour:

  • Vår Frelsers cemetery, where the gravesites of some of the most famous Norwegians can be found
  • Damstredet historic buildings
  • The Oslo school museum
  • The Blå artist market area
  • Grünerløkka shopping street
  • The Akerselva river
  • Telthusbakken historic buildings and allotment gardens
  • Old Aker church and cemetery, with a spectacular view of east Oslo
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