Our StoryTours

The Headless Horseman in Oslo

Explore the historic parts of Oslo with a self-guided walking tour game based on a classic ghost story novel about the Headless Horseman. Follow the leads from a 200-year-old journal and investigate the mysterious disappearence of local school teacher Ichabod Crane.

Trelleborg – Geheimnis der Wikinger

Reisen Sie zurück in die Wikingerzeit und helfen Sie der Seherin Disälv bei einer wichtigen Mission. Erkunden Sie das Freilichtmuseum Trelleborgen und die zentralen Teile der Stadt, während Disälv ihre Geschichte über die Menschen erzählt, die im 10. Jahrhundert hier lebten.

The Headless Horseman in Bergen

Explore the historic parts of Bergen with a self-guided walking tour game based on a classic ghost story novel about the Headless Horseman. Follow the leads from a 200-year-old journal and investigate the mysterious disappearence of local school teacher Ichabod Crane.

The Headless Horseman in London

Explore the historic areas of London's Primrose Hill and Camden with a self-guided walking tour game based on a classic ghost story novel about the Headless Horseman. Follow the leads from a 200-year-old journal and investigate the mysterious disappearence of local school teacher Ichabod Crane.

The Headless Horseman in Stockholm

Explore the historic parts of Stockholm with a self-guided walking tour game based on a classic ghost story novel about the Headless Horseman. Follow the leads from a 200-year-old journal and investigate the mysterious disappearence of local school teacher Ichabod Crane.

The Headless Horseman in Gothenburg

Explore the central parts of Gothenburg with a self-guided walking tour game based on a classic ghost story novel about the Headless Horseman. Follow the leads from a 200-year-old journal and investigate the mysterious disappearence of local school teacher Ichabod Crane.

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